User guide

NonStop dba/m Database Manager for NonStop SQL/MP User’s Guide 522632-004 15-1
A partition is a portion of the table residing on a volume different from the
volume on which the table was initially created. When creating partitions of
a table, you specify the number of partitions and the volume, catalog, and
primary-key values for each partition.
Using dba/m Database Manager table partition management windows, you
Design partitions
View partitions
Add partitions
Alter partitions
Drop partitions
Perform a simple move on a partition
Perform a one-way split on a partition
Perform a two-way split on a partition
Designing Table Partitions
Partition design computes the primary key values for a given distribution of
rows across partitions.
To design a table partition, click on Table Partitions in the Main window,
then click on Design. The Partition Selection window will be displayed, as
shown in Figure 15-1.