User guide

NonStop dba/m Database Manager for NonStop SQL/MP User’s Guide 522632-004 16-1
A partition is a portion of the index residing on a volume different from the
volume on which the index was initially created. When creating partitions
of an index, you specify the number of partitions and the volume, catalog,
and primary-key values for each partition.
Using dba/m Database Manager index partition management windows, you
Design partitions
View partitions
Add partitions
Alter partitions
Drop partitions
Perform a simple move on a partition
Perform a one-way split on a partition
Perform a two-way split on a partition
Designing Index Partitions
Partition design computes the primary key values for a given distribution of
rows across partitions.
To design an index partition, click on Index Partitions in the Main window,
then click on Design. The Partition Selection window will be displayed, as
shown in Figure 16-1.