User guide

HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide522580-020
5 OSS File Synchronization
This section describes the features and options available for the synchronization of
OSS files and directories. These features apply to both one-time synchronization and
scheduled synchronization.
The topics covered are organized as follows:
OSS File Sets
Displaying OSS Files and Directories
Comparing Source and Destination File Sets
Ownership and Security
Synchronization Options
OSS File Sets
Source File Set
Destination File Set
AutoSYNC supports synchronization of OSS file sets. Each synchronization file set can
be either a set of OSS files and directories or a set of Guardian files. An OSS file set is
described using an absolute pathname that can include the /E directory and the
Expand node name (/E/PARIS). The source and destination file set can specify either
an absolute directory name or an absolute file name. The following rules apply:
The complete directory tree with all its subdirectories is synchronized.
If the directory tree does not exist at the destination location, all the missing parts
of the directory are created.
If the source directory is empty or no files were selected for synchronization, an
empty directory is created.
The source and destination pathname specified in AutoSYNC commands each can be
at most 128 bytes long. Internally, when traversing directory trees, AutoSYNC supports
a pathname with a maximum length of 1024 bytes.
Some AutoSYNC commands such as INFO SYNCFILESET
truncate displayed
pathnames if the pathname exceeds one line. In such cases, the trailing portion of the
pathname is displayed and the abbreviated name is preceded with ellipses (...) to