User Manual

Special DEFINEs
HP NonStop AutoTMF Software User’s Guide429952-014
Disables NonStop AutoTMF software for a
prepared program.
Specifies inter-request delay for holding
transactions in active state.
Reverses the nowait mode set for completion
of automatic transactions.
Enables the renaming of audited files.
Enables dynamic tracing of a prepared
Sends runtime messages to the EMS
Sets the Monitor-MapDB pair for the execution
Enables UNLOCKFILE optimization.
Disables UNLOCKFILE optimization.
Reverses the effect of
Skips zero-length records in audited entry-
sequenced files
Traces the Enscribe calls issued by the
application and the data read and written to
the data files.
Traces the Enscribe calls issued by the
application and the key data read and written
to the data files.
Displays execution of Enscribe calls issued
against Enscribe files.
Ignores transactions generated by a user
Ignores transactions inherited on $RECEIVE.
Table B-2. Command Interpreter DEFINEs
DEFINE Name Description
Sets the monitor-MapDB pair for the execution
Specifies an alternate SysDB. (For testing only)
Table B-1. Runtime DEFINES (continued)
DEFINE Name Description