Getting Started Guide

Solve fax problems 9
The HP Officejet/Officejet Pro
device can send faxes
but cannot receive faxes
If you are not using a distinctive ring service, check to make sure that the Distinctive Ring feature
on the HP Officejet/Officejet Pro device is set to All Rings.
If Auto Answer is set to Off, or you have a voice mail service at the same phone number you use
for fax calls, you can only receive faxes manually.
If you have a computer dial-up modem on the same phone line with the HP Officejet/Officejet
Pro device, check to make sure that the software that came with your modem is not set to receive
faxes automatically.
If you have an answering machine on the same phone line with the HP Officejet/Officejet Pro
Check that the answering machine is working properly.
Make sure the HP Officejet/Officejet Pro device is set to receive faxes automatically.
Make sure the
Rings to Answer setting is set to a greater number of rings than the
answering machine.
Disconnect the answering machine and then try receiving a fax.
Record a message that is approximately 10 seconds in duration. Speak slowly and at a low
volume when recording your message. Leave at least 5 seconds of silence at the end of the
voice message.
Other equipment that uses the same phone line might be causing the test to fail. You can
disconnect all the other devices and run the test again. If the Dial Tone Detection Test passes,
then one or more of the other equipment is causing problems. Try adding them back one at
a time and rerunning the test each time until you identify which piece of equipment is causing the
The HP Officejet/Officejet Pro
device cannot send faxes but
can receive faxes
The HP Officejet/Officejet Pro device might be dialing too fast or too soon. For example, if you
need to access an outside line by dialing9, try inserting pauses as follows: 9-XXX-XXXX (where
XXX-XXXX is the fax number you are sending to). To enter a pause press
Redial/Pause, or press
the Symbol (*) button repeatedly, until a dash (-) appears on the display.
The display always shows
Phone Off Hook
You are using the wrong phone cord. See the first two issues under “The HP Officejet/Officejet
Pro device is having problems sending and receiving faxes” on page 8.
The HP Officejet/Officejet Pro
device is having problems
sending a manual fax
This possible solution applies only in the countries/regions that receive a 2-wire phone cord
in the box with the HP Officejet/Officejet Pro device, including: Argentina, Australia, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Latin
America, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore,
Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, USA, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
If you are sending a fax manually from your phone that is connected directly to the HP Officejet/
Officejet Pro device, you must use the keypad on the telephone to send the fax.
Fax tones are recorded on my
answering machine
See the information about answering machine - related problems for the ”The HP Officejet/
Officejet Pro device can send faxes but cannot receive faxes“ topic in this table.
The phone cord that came with
my HP Officejet/Officejet Pro
device is not long enough
If the phone cord that came with the HP Officejet/Officejet Pro device is not long enough, you
can use a coupler to extend the length. You can purchase a coupler at an electronics store that
carries phone accessories. You also need another phone cord, which can be a standard phone
cord that you might already have in your home or office.
1. Using the phone cord supplied in the box with the HP Officejet/Officejet Pro device, connect
one end to the coupler, and then connect the other end to the port labeled 1-LINE on the
back of the HP Officejet/Officejet Pro device.
2. Connect a second phone cord to the open port on the coupler and to the telephone wall
I cannot print color faxes To print color faxes, make sure that the Incoming Fax Printing options in the control panel is
turned on.