Administrator's Guide

ConnectionBar.EnableDisconnectInstance—integer value, 0 or 1. When set to 1, enables the
Disconnect button on the connection bar for each session. The default value is 1.
ConnectionBar.EnableContextMenu—integer value, 0 or 1. When set to 1, a context menu
appears when right-clicking on a session's status icon on the connection bar. This menu allows the
user to switch to the selected session, move the selected session, minimize the selected session,
or minimize all currently connected sessions. When set to 0, this menu does not appear. Default
is 1.
ConnectionBar.EnableSave—integer value, 0 or 1. When set to 1, enables the Save button on
the connection bar that allows an Administrator to save the current session configuration to the
server as a Monitor Layout ID. Disconnected sessions are not saved back to the database. The
default value is 0.
ConnectionBar.ShowDelay—integer value. Specifies delay in milliseconds for connection bar to
appear after cursor has been moved to screen edge. The default value is 500 milliseconds.
ConnectionBar.ShowOnDisconnect—integer value, 0 or 1. When set to 1, enables connection
bar to appear automatically when a session closes. The default value is 1.
ConnectionBar.AutoHideTimeout—integer value. Sets time in seconds for connection bar to
stay open when cursor is moved off connection bar. 0 = always stays open. The default value is
ConnectionBar.ShowTimingFactor—integer value. Controls the speed of the animation when
the connection bar is appearing on the screen. A smaller number means faster animation. This can
be useful on slow client systems where the connection bar animation is too slow. The default value
is 5.
ConnectionBar.HideTimingFactor—integer value. Controls the speed of the animation when the
connection bar is disappearing from the screen. A smaller number means faster animation. This
can be useful on slow client systems where the connection bar animation is too slow. The default
value is 5.
ConnectionBar.SessionWindow.EnableIdentify—integer value, 0 or 1. When set to 1, an RGS
session chosen on the HP SAM Connection Bar will be highlighted and can be moved by the user.
This features requires RGS 5.1.3 or later. Default value is 1.
DisclaimerDisplay.Timeout—Time in seconds for the HP SAM client to be idle before the Legal
Disclaimer window reappears. Default value is 30.
Resolutions—string value. Specifies another section in the .SAM file that contains a list of
resolutions to show on the client UI. Open the default .SAM file to see the required format.
ConnectionBar.ShowLogoff—integer value, 0 or 1. When set to 1, an option to log off the
resource is shown when disconnecting. Default value is 0.
ConnectionBar.ShowReboot—integer value, 0 or 1. When set to 1, an option to restart the
resource is shown when disconnecting. Default value is 0.
40 Chapter 3 Installation ENWW