Administrator's Guide

C Registration Service Error Codes
The following is a list of possible errors which the registration service writes to the event log file on the
computing resource. If you encounter a critical issue on the blade, note the error code and communicate
it to the support team.
BC0001—Internal error accessing WMI. Contact your HP SAM support team.
BC0002—Internal error accessing WMI. Contact your HP SAM support team.
BC0003—Internal error failed to spawn threads, usually due to low memory. Close other applications
or increase memory.
BC0005—Internal error. Contact your HP SAM support team.
BC0006—Internal error, usually due to low memory problems. Close other applications or increase
BC0007—Update thread failed to spawn. Internal error, possibly due to low memory conditions. Close
other applications or increase memory.
BC0008—Failed to start service (OpenSCManager() error). Make sure the service is running under the
access device account with sufficient permission to start/stop the service.
BC0009—Failed to start service (OpenService() error) Make sure the service is running under the
access device account with sufficient permission to start/stop the service.
BC0010—Failed to start service (StartService() error). Make sure the service is running under the
access device account with sufficient permission to start/stop the service.
BC0011—Failed to start service (status check error). Make sure the service is running under the access
device account with sufficient permission to start/stop the service.
BC0012—Internal error setting up service. Make sure the service is running under the access device
account with sufficient permission to start/stop the service.
BC0013—Service configuration file (tattoo) was not found. See the registration service installation
section above for the list folder where the CFG file must be stored and that the service has read access
to it.
BC0014—Could not find the Gateway section in the configuration file. See the registration service
installation section above on how to create the correct CFG file contents.
BC0015—Internal program error. Contact your HP SAM support team.
BC0016—Internal program error. Contact your HP SAM support team.
BC0017—Internal program error. Contact your HP SAM support team.