Software Owner's manual

User Guide 27
7. Configure c:\OpenSSH\etc\sshd_config. Set the parameters:
RSAAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication no
8. Create a file to map the domain users to ssh users. Open a command prompt and enter:
Cd c:\OpenSSH\etc
..\bin\mkpasswd –d > passwd
9. Create a home directory for the SAP ACC Administrator or the SAPService<SID> username. For
mkdir c:\OpenSSH\home\SAPServiceJ2E
10.Delete the file c:\OpenSSH\var\log\OpenSSH.log to avoid permission problems when
restarting the service as the administrator.
11.Reboot the server
12.Create the RSA key pair on the ACC server. Open a command prompt and enter the following
cd $HOME
ssh-keygen –t rsa
Accept the default filename /home/Administrator/.ssh/id_rsa and press return for no
passphrase and press return again to confirm your choices.
The files id_rsa and are generated under /home/Administrator/.ssh.
Setup and Configuration on the Managed Node
1. Login as <DOMAIN>\<Administrator>
OpenSSH is installed under c:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSH. Edit sshd_config under
the etc directory:
a. Enable RSAAuthentication by setting no to yes.
b. Enable the AuthorizedKeysFile by deleting the # sign in front
c. Leave PasswordAuthentication as the yes default.
2. Open a command prompt and enter the following in the OpenSSH\etc directory:
..\bin\mkpasswd –d >> passwd
\bin\mkgroup -d >> group
3. Add the SAP ACC Administrator user (SAPServiceJ2E for example) to the Administrators
group on the managed node. This can be done by opening a command prompt and entering:
net localgroup administrators <DOMAIN>\<ACC Administrator> /add
Reboot the managed node
Once the managed node is working, login as the SAP ACC Administrator and create the
authorized_keys file. Consider the following:
The quickest way to create this file is to copy the file from the ACC server and
rename it as the authorized_keys file.
The file must be stored under c:\Documents and Settings\SAPServiceJ2E\.ssh