User's Manual

100 Managing media
If you disabled monitoring, you can still check the status of the FSE reorganization job using the
fsejob --list command. Alternatively, you can track the reorganizational progress in detail by
inspecting the FSE event log, named fse.log.
Linux specific
On Linux platform, FSE event log is located in the directory /var/opt/fse/log/.
Windows specific
On Windows platform, FSE event log is located in the directory %InstallPath%\var\log.
The value of %InstallPath% depends on the choice made in the FSE installation process. It defaults to
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE.
Reusing the recycled medium volumes
Space on FSE medium volumes that participated in the reorganization job can be reused for storage of
new data. The status of these medium volumes is set to “recycled” by the corresponding Partition Manager.
You can retrieve a list of the recycled medium volumes using the following command:
An example output is the following:
In the example, the first medium volume on the FSE medium with barcode 052002 was recycled during the
reorganization job and can be reused.
Before recycled medium volumes can be reused, they must be reinitialized. The reinitialization is performed
automatically at the end of the FSE reorganization job. All recycled medium volumes are reinitialized in
sequence. If the reorganization job has been terminated for some reason before medium volume
reinitialization, you have to reinitialize the recycled volumes manually. For more information on initializing
FSE medium volumes, see section ”Initializing media” on page 91 and the FSE Command-Line Reference.
Recreating redundant copies of migrated data
FSE enables you to assign several FSE media pools to the same FSE partition, in order to store multiple
copies of the migrated data on FSE media (via the Pools variable in the FSE partition configuration file).
In such a configuration, each media pool contains one copy of the migrated data from the HSM file
Having multiple copies of the migrated data is useful for various reasons, including the possibility of storing
a particular copy in a vault and increasing the overall safety of the migrated data. For information on
configuring multiple copies, see ”Multiple copying” on page 131.
Since tape media wear out over time, some can eventually become unusable. Migrated file generations on
such media can no longer be recalled. In effect, this means that one copy of the migrated data is lost. FSE
enables you to recover the damaged copy, provided that such data was migrated from an FSE partition for
[12:49:58] Reading finished, releasing resources.
[13:00:58] Medium 050010, volume 5: Data written to medium volume.
[13:01:58] Medium 050010, volume 6: Writing…
[13:10:50] Medium 050010, volume 6: Data written to medium volume.
[13:11:50] Writing finished, releasing resources.
[13:12:38] Finished.
fsemedium --list Barcode --volume
Barcode VolNum Type Size[MB] Avail[MB] Used[%] Status
052002 1 Data 5949 5592 80 full, scanned, in reorg,
052002 2 Data 5949 5949 60 open, scanned
052002 3 Data 5949 5949 0 empty
052002 4 Data 5949 5949 0 empty
052002 5 System 1019 1019 0 open