
On the Settings page, configure the FTP parameters that apply to the share. The parameters are
added to the file serving nodes hosting the configuration profile. Also enter the IP addresses and
ports that clients will use to access the share. For High Availability, specify the IP address of a VIF
having a VIF backup.
NOTE: The allowed ports are 21 (FTP) and 990 (FTPS).
NOTE: If you need to allow NAT connections to the share, use the Modify FTP Share dialog box
after the share is created.
On the Users page, specify the users to be given access to the share. If no users are specified on
this page, then any user who can be authenticated according to your StoreAll authentication settings
for the cluster can access the share as read-write. Users must also have access permissions at the
file system level to read or write. If any users are specified on this page, only those users may
access the share and all other users are denied regardless of their file system permissions.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that all users who are given read or write access to shares have sufficient
access permissions at the file system level for the directories exposed as shares.
Managing FTP from the GUI 107