
Tutorial for using the HTTP StoreAll REST API object mode
This section walks you through using the major components of object mode. You will be shown
how to:
Create a container.
Set permissions for the container.
Upload and create objects for the container.
View the contents of the container.
Download contents from the container.
It is assumed you have already created an HTTP StoreAll REST API share in object mode. See
“Checklist for creating HTTP shares” (page 116) for information on how to create an HTTP share.
IMPORTANT: You cannot use the local root account on the StoreAll servers. If you have not
already, identify a local user account or a user account on Active Directory. See “Configuring
authentication for SMB, FTP, and HTTP” (page 61) for additional information.
Gather the information listed in the following table before you begin the steps in this section:
Table 16 Required information
How to obtainRequired information
To obtain the name of the virtual host for the HTTP share, enter the following
command: ibrix_httpshare -l
IP address and port of the virtual host
for the HTTP share
To obtain the IP address of the virtual host, enter the following command:
ibrix_httpvhost -l -v 1
If the port is 80, you do not need to
include it in the command.
To find the directory path and URL path of the HTTP share, enter the following
Directory path and URL path of the
HTTP share
ibrix_httpshare -l -f <file_server_name>
The directory path of the HTTP share is under the Path column, and the URL Path
is under the URL Path column.
To begin the tutorial:
Tutorial for using the HTTP StoreAll REST API object mode 139