
1. Create a container.
When you first create a container, the account directory, named as the numeric user ID of the
user creating the container, is automatically created as a subdirectory of the root of the HTTP
See Terminology for StoreAll REST API object mode” (page 138) for a list of requirements for
creating the container name.
The curl format for this command is the following:
If secure HTTP is configured, replace the http with https.
Enter the following command on one line.
curl -X PUT http://<IP_address:port>/<urlpath>/<account_name>/
<container_name> -u <username>:<password>
In this command:
The <IP_address:port> is the IP address and port of the virtual host for the HTTP
The <account_name> is the name of the account under which you want to create the
container, for example, jsmith.
The <container_name> is the name of the container you want to create.
The <username> is the user name of the account creating the container. Only the account
owner can create a container, so <account_name> and <username> must be the
The <password> the password of your account.
The account and user name is either a StoreAll local user, an Active Directory user, or an
LDAP user. The user must be one that can authenticate to use the HTTP share. Use the
ibrix_localusers command to create a local user. See the HP StoreAll Storage CLI
Reference Guide for more information.
For example, for a local user:
curl -X PUT
container-a -u localuser1:mypassword
HTTP version of the command
PUT /<urlpath>/<account_name>/<container_name> HTTP/1.1
CURL version of the command for Active Directory users
You can use any of the following formats for Active Directory users:
NOTE: Enter the following commands on one line.
curl -X PUT http://<IP_address:port/<urlpath>/
<account_name>/<container_name> -u <username>@<domain_name>:
<password> --header "x-ibrix-addomain:<domain_name>"
You can provide the <domain_name> and <account_name> three different ways in
the curl command:
In the first format, double backslashes are used to preserve (escape) the backslash
separator between username and domain name:
curl -X PUT http://<IP_address:port>/<urlpath>/<domain_name>
\\<account_name>/<container_name> -u <domain_name>\\
140 HTTP-REST API object mode shares