
Delete Container
Type of Request: Container services
Description: Deletes the container.
IMPORTANT: The container must be empty before it can be deleted.
HTTP command:
DELETE /<urlpath>/<account_name>/<container_name> HTTP/1.1
CURL command (Enter on one line):
curl -X DELETE http://<IP_address:port>/<urlpath>/<user_id>/
<container_name> -u <username>:<password>
Set Container Permission
Type of Request: Container services
Description: Sets the permission of a container. The permissions are based on standard UNIX
permissions. The permissions can be entered as an integer in standard UNIX octal permissions
format, between the range 0 to 777. A two-digit permission, such as 77, would be considered to
be 077, as single-digit permission, such as 7, would be considered to mean 007.
HTTP command:
PUT /<urlpath>/<account_name>/<container_name>?permission
x-ibrix-permission:<permission> HTTP/1.1
CURL command (Enter on one line):
curl -X PUT http://<IP_address:port>/<urlpath>/<user_id>/
<container_name>?permission -u <username>:
<password> --header "x-ibrix-permission:<permission>"
Get Container Permission
Type of Request: Container services
Description: Gets the permission of a container. The permission is returned in the x-ibrix-permission
HTTP header of the response.
HTTP command:
GET /<urlpath>/<account_name>/<container_name>?permission HTTP/1.1
CURL command (Enter on one line):
curl http://<IP_address:port>/<urlpath>/<user_id>/
<container_name>?permission -u <username>:<password>
Create/Update Object
Type of Request: Object Requests
Description: Uploads an object into a container.
HTTP command:
PUT /<urlpath>/<account_name>/<container_name>/<object_id> HTTP/1.1
CURL command (Enter on one line):
curl -T <local_pathname> http://<IP_address:port>/
<object_id> -u <username>:<password>
The user_id is the id of the authenticated user in the case of the user trying to put an object in
its own account.
150 HTTP-REST API object mode shares