
When specifying an absolute date and/or time, the rule must use a compare type operator (< |
<= | = | != | > | >=). For example:
ibrix_migrator -A -f ifs2 -r "atime > '2010-09-23' " -S TIER1 -D TIER2
Use the following qualifiers for relative times and dates:
Relative time: Enter in rules as year or years, month or months, week or weeks, day or
days, hour or hours.
Relative date: Use older than or younger than. The rules engine uses the time the
ibrix_migrator command starts execution as the start time for the rule. It then computes
the required time for the rule based on this start time. For example, ctime older than 4
weeks refers to that time period more that 4 weeks before the start time.
The following example uses a relative date:
ibrix_migrator -A -f ifs2 -r "atime older than 2 days " -S TIER1 -D
Rule keywords
The following keywords can be used in rules.
Access time, used in a rule as a fixed or relative time.atime
Change time, used in a rule as a fixed or relative time.ctime
Modification time, used in a rule as a fixed or relative timemtime
An integer corresponding to a group ID.gid
A string corresponding to a group name. Enclose the name string in double quotes.gname
An integer corresponding to a user ID.uid
A string corresponding to a user name, where the user is the owner of the file. Enclose the name
string in double quotes.
File system entity the rule operates on. Currently, only the file entity is supported.type
In size-based rules, the threshold value for determining migration. Value is an integer specified in
K (KB), M (MB), G (GB), and T (TB). Do not separate the value from its unit (for example, 24K).
Regular expression. A typical use of a regular expression is to match file names. Enclose a regular
expression in double quotes. The * wildcard is valid (for example, name = "*.mpg").
A name cannot contain a / character. You cannot specify a path; only a filename is allowed.
Path name that allows these wild cards: *, ?, /. For example, if the mountpoint for the file system
is /mnt, path=ibfs1/mydir/* matches the entire directory subtree under /mnt/ibfs1/mydir.
(A path cannot start with a /).
Path name that rigidly conforms to UNIX shell file name expansion behavior. For example,
strict_path=/mnt/ibfs1/mydir/* matches only the files that are explicitly in the mydir
directory, but does not match any files in subdirectories of mydir.
Migration rule examples
When you write a rule, identify the following components:
File system (-f)
Source tier (-S)
Destination tier (-D)
276 Using data tiering