
To change the quotas configuration, click Modify on the Quota Summary panel.
On the CLI, run the following command to enable quotas on an existing file system:
ibrix_fs -q -E -f FSNAME
Setting quotas for users, groups, and directories
Before configuring quotas, the quota feature must be enabled on the file system and the file system
must be mounted.
NOTE: For the purpose of setting quotas, no UID or GID can exceed 2,147,483,647.
Setting user quotas to zero removes the quotas.
The Quota Management Wizard can be used to create, modify, or delete quotas for users, groups,
and directories in the selected file system. Click Quotas Wizard on the Quota Summary panel to
open the wizard. The Welcome dialog box describes the options available in the wizard.
Setting quotas for users, groups, and directories 29