User's Manual

5. The Parameters box enables you to specify the values of ArgV# type variables within the
script, if required. The values are separated from each other by a comma. You must ensure that
the values are entered in the correct order so that they are assigned to the correct variables.
6. Click Run to run the script.
Using a Key or Button Definition
You can program a key or button to run a script file when pressed by enclosing the name of the script
file including any parameters within the <' (left angle bracket and single quote) and '> (single quote
and right angle bracket) characters.
For example, to program a key or button so that it will run the script file myscript.scr and assign the
values value1 to variable ArgV1 and value2 to ArgV2, you would enter the following for the key
or button definition:
268 Chapter 24 Running Scripts