HP Tru64 UNIX Release Notes for Version 5.1B-5 (AA-RVGEE-TE, March 2009)

3.1.10 Message Seen During Reboot Can Be Ignored
The following error message is displayed after you reboot your system the first time
after installing Version 5.1B-4:
AllowCshrcSourcingWithSubsystems is not valid
ForcePTTYAllocation is not valid
IdentityFile is not valid
AuthorizationFile is not valid
These messages are caused by a new version of SSH included in Version 5.1B-5. They
do not pose a problem and can be ignored.
3.2 Kit Removal Release Notes
The following sections describe actions you have to take if you decided to uninstall
Version 5.1B-4. Read each section before running the patch deletion procedure.
3.2.1 Some Patch Kits Cannot Be Removed
You cannot remove a patch kit on systems that have the New Hardware Delivery–7
(NHD-7) kit installed when either of the following conditions exist:
The patch kit you want to remove was installed before the NHD kit.
For example, if you installed Patch Kit 2 and then installed NHD-7, you cannot
remove that patch kit. However, if you later installed Patch Kit 4, you can remove
that patch kit.
The patch kit was installed with NHD-7.
Beginning with the release of Patch Kit 3, patch kits were incorporated into the
NHD-7 kits. As a result, when you installed NHD-7, you automatically installed
the current patch kit. These patch kits cannot be removed. However, you can
remove any subsequent patch kits. For example, if you installed NHD-7 with Patch
Kit 4 and later installed Patch Kit 5, you cannot remove Patch Kit 4, but can remove
Patch Kit 5.
If you must remove the patch kit, the only solution is to rebuild your system
environment by reinstalling the Version 5.1B operating system and then restoring your
system to its state before you installed NHD-7 with the unwanted patch kit.
3.2.2 Changes to System Might Need to Be Reversed
If you made the following changes to your system after installing this patch kit, you
have to undo those changes before you can uninstall it:
If you changed your hardware configuration (for example, by adding a new disk),
the system configuration that existed prior to installing this patch kit might not
recognize the new devices or might not provide the necessary support for them.
If you added new cluster members, the new members will not have an older state
to revert to if you attempt to uninstall this patch kit.
3.2 Kit Removal Release Notes 29