Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX Version 6.8 Administration Guide (14233)

6.2.6 Configuring SSL for UW-IMAP
You can configure the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to enable encrypted communication between
a mail client and the UW-IMAP Server. Support for SSL/TLS is built into the IMAP server and
is enabled by the presence of the /usr/ssl/certs/imapd.pem certificate file. If this certificate
file is present, the IMAP server will advertise STARTTLS capability. Mail clients that support
TLS (e.g., Pine or Microsoft Outlook Express 6) will run STARTTLS and use encrypted
If the /usr/ssl/certs/imapd.pem certificate file is present, the IMAP server can be configured
to use SSL. Follow these steps:
1. Add a line to /etc/services similar to the following line:
imaps 993/tcp
2. Add a line to /etc/inetd.conf similar to the following line:
imaps stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/bin/imapd imapd
3. Make the inetd daemon reread its configuration,Tru64 UNIX as follows for the following
On Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1 and later:
# inetd -h
On Tru64 UNIX systems prior to Version 5.1:
# kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
To create the /usr/ssl/certs/imapd.pem certificate file, you must get a key and certificate
from a certificate authority. If you are running the Internet Express Secure Web Server and have
enabled SSL for the Web Server, you might be able to use this key and certificate for the IMAP
server. For example,
# cd /usr/internet/httpd/conf
# cat ssl.key/ ssl.crt/server.crt > /usr/ssl/certs/imapd.pem
For information on configuring the UW-IMAP Server to use SSL, see the section titled “SSL
Installation” in:
When reviewing this information, be aware that the UW-IMAP Server from Internet Express is
installed as /usr/bin/imapd and that the IMAP certificate must be installed as
6.2.7 Viewing the IMAP Server Log
The entries in the server log file are generated from data in the /var/adm/syslog.dated
To view the Cyrus IMAP or UW IMAP server log file:
1. Under Mail on the Manage Components menu, choose either the Cyrus IMAP Server or UW
IMAP Server. You may have one or both installed.
Although you can install both the UW-IMAP Server and the Cyrus IMAP Server subsets,
you can enable only one of these servers at a time because they use the same standard IMAP
port number. Enabling the Cyrus IMAP Server automatically disables the UW-IMAP Server.
2. From the IMAP Server Administration menu, choose View Cyrus IMAP Server Log Server
or View UW IMAP Server Log, depending on which server has been enabled.
6.2 IMAP Mail Server Administration 139