HP Insight Management WBEM Providers for HP integrated VMware ESXi 5.0 U1 June 2012 Profiles

15 Version 2.0.0
7.1.8 HP_ComputerSystem Solution identifiers HP_ComputerSystem.IncludedInSolution (Mandatory)
Boolean property that indicates whether the system is part of aggregate systems. Value of True will
indicate that the system is participating in the aggregate systems. Default value is False.
HP_ComputerSystem.SolutionName (Conditional)
This property is a string that shall contain a unique name that describes the product family for the
aggregate product along with the version. Notation: “<Solution Name> vX.Y.Z” where X is Major number,
Y is Minor number and Z is Update number Eg. “BladeSystem Matrix v6.3.1a”. This property is only
implemented if HP_ComputerSystem.IncludedInSolution is True.
8 Methods
8.1 Method: HP_ComputerSystem.SendTestIndication( )
Return values for SendTestIndication( ) shall be as specified in Table 3 where the method-execution
behavior matches the return-code description. SendTestIndication( ) method’s parameters are specified
in Table 2.
No standard messages are defined for this method.
Table 3 – HP_ComputerSystem.SendTestIndication( ) Method: Return Code Values
Value Description
0 Request to send test indication was accepted
1 Method is not supported in the implementation
2 Internal error occurred, request to send indication failed.
3 Method is busy servicing previous requests
Table 4 – HP_ComputerSystem.SendTestIndication( ) Method: Parameters
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
IN EventID Uint32 Test indication to send
101 Informational Test Indication
102 - Warning Test Indication
103 Critical Test Indication
8.1.1 General Requirements
If the EventID parameter is not a valid value for a test indication, the
HP_ComputerSystem.SendTestIndication() method shall throw an INVALID_PARAMETER exception.
Caller should change the parameter to a valid value and retry the request.
The HP_ComputerSystem.SendTestIndication() method shall return 3 (Busy) if the method is in the
process of sending a test indication from a previous request. Caller should retry the request. The method
shall delay generation of test indications requested to reduce the possibility of flooding.