HP Insight Management WBEM Providers for HP integrated VMware ESXi 5.0 U1 June 2012 Profiles

20 Version 2.0.0
Figure 4 shows an example of how HP Consolidate Status works with an instance of
HP_ComputerSystem. The instance of HP_ComputerSystem has 2 subsystems (power and cooling)
represented by instances of HP_PowerSupplyCollection and HP_CoolingCollection. Each subsystem is
associated with HP_ComputerSystem with associations that subclass from HP_GroupHostedCollection
(HP_HostedCollingCollection and HP_HostedPowerCollection in this case). The system contains three
fans and two power supplies associated to the instance of HP_CompuerSystem via associations
HP_SystemFan and HP_SystemPowerSupply respectively. The status of a bottom level element bubbles
up to the collection then in turn bubbles up to the HP_ComputerSystem instance. For example, the
status of the instances of HP_Fan.OperationStatus[0] bubbles up to the instance of
HP_CoolingCollection.GroupOperationStatus[0] which in turn bubbles up to the instance of
HP_Coputersystem.OperationStatus[0]. In this example, the overall status of the HP_ComputerSystem is
4(stressed) because one power supply’s OperationalStatus is 4(stressed) causing the
HP_PowerSupplyCollection’s GroupOperationalStatus to be 4(stressed). This in turn bubbles up to the
HP_ComputerSystem as to worst-of value of any collection associated with it.