HP Insight Management WBEM Providers for HP integrated VMware ESXi 5.0 U1 June 2012 Profiles

Version 1.0.2 13
Change Log
Version Date Description
0.1 5/30/06 Initial draft
1.0 5/31/06 Updated properties and fixed cross reference errors
1.0 11/29/06
Updated the following:
Slot modeling now optional (PowerSupplyInSlot is conditional)
Removed slot use cases
Removed sections in 8 because there are no methods defined
Durable Names and Correlatable IDs removed because there are really no
such names and IDs generated by this profile
Updated class diagram to update references and for typos
Updated instance diagram for typos
Minor wording updates throughout document
1.0.1 5/16/08
Corrected transposition of Antecedent and Dependent properties in
HP_RealizesPowerSupply class.
1.0.2 7/17/08
Fixed diagrams for associations that subclass off CIM_Container to be aggregations
and changed references from HP_Slot, HP_SystemSlot to CIM_Slot, CIM_Container