HP Insight Management WBEM Providers for HP integrated VMware ESXi 5.0 U1 June 2012 Profiles

Version 1.0.5 HP FC HBA Profile 19
9.2 Retrieve the FC HBA Group Operational Status
For the given instance of HPFCHBA_ComputerSystem, select the associated instance of
HPFCHBA_GroupSystemSpecificCollection through the HBFCHBA_GroupHostedCollection association.
Retrieve the value of HPFCHBA_GroupSystemSpecificCollection.GroupOperationalStatus property.
9.3 Retrieve the FC Port Status
For the given instance of HPFCHBA_FCPort, retrieve the value of HPFCHBA_FCPort.OperationalStatus
property. Additional status information can be found in HPFCHBA_FCPort.StatusDesciptions.
10 CIM Elements
The implementation requirements for the classes and properties described in this section are defined in
the “Implementation Requirements” section (Section 7).
Table 3 – CIM Elements HP FC HBA Profile
Element Name Requirement Description
HPFCHBA_ComputerSystem Mandatory See Sections 7.1 and 10.1
HPFCHBA_FCPort Mandatory See Sections 7.2 and 10.2
HPFCHBA_PortController Mandatory See Sections 7.3 and 10.3
HPFCHBA_FcPortStatistics Mandatory See Sections 7.4 and 10.4
HPFCHBA_LogicalPortGroup Optional See Sections 7.5 and 10.5
HPFCHBA_PhysicalPackage Mandatory See Sections 7.6 and 10.6
HPFCHBA_Product Mandatory See Sections 7.7 and 10.7
HPFCHBA_SoftwareIdentityDrv Mandatory See Sections 7.8 and 10.8
HPFCHBA_FirmwareIdentityFW Mandatory See Sections 7.9 and 10.9
HPFCHBA_FirmwareIdentityBIOS Mandatory See Sections 7.10 and 10.10
HPFCHBA_SCSIProtocolController Mandatory See Sections 7.11 and 10.11
HPFCHBA_SCSIProtocolEndpoint Mandatory See Sections 7.12 and 10.12
HPFCHBA_GroupSystemSpecificCollection Mandatory See Sections 7.13 and 10.13
HPFCHBA_ComputerSystemFCPort Mandatory See Section 10.14
HPFCHBA_ComputerSystemPortController Mandatory See Section 10.15
HPFCHBA_ComputerSystemSCSIProtocolController Mandatory See Section 10.16
HPFCHBA_ComputerSystemLogicalPortGroup Mandatory See Section 10.17
HPFCHBA_ComputerSystemSoftwareIdentityDrv Optional See Section 10.18
HPFCHBA_SystemServiceAccessPoint Mandatory See Section 10.19
HPFCHBA_FCPortFCPortStatistics Mandatory See Section 10.20
HPFCHBA_FCPortLogicalPortGroup Optional See Section 10.21
HPFCHBA_FCPortSCSIProtocolEndpoint Mandatory See Section 10.22
HPFCHBA_SCSIProtocolControllerFCPort Mandatory See Section 10.23
HPFCHBA_PortControllerFCPort Mandatory See Section 10.24
HPFCHBA_PhysicalPackagePortController Mandatory See Section 10.25