HP Insight Management WBEM Providers for HP integrated VMware ESXi 5.0 U1 June 2012 Profiles

Version 1.2.0 15
9 Use Cases
9.1 Identifying the Location of a Managed Element
Clients can use the following algorithm to discover the location of a managed element within its contained
Client has an instance of CIM_ManagedElement (element1) that they want to identify a location for. The
client has determined that element1 is a component of a managed system instance of
HP_ComputerSystem (system1) by verifying it is associated to system1 via an instance of
CIM_SystemComponent or one of its defined sub-classes. System1 has an associated chassis instance
of HP_ComputerSystemChassis (chassis1) that is associated with system1 via an instance of
HP_ComputerSystemPackage. Chassis1 is the base or root of the containment hierarchy because every
managed element associate with chassis1 is contained within chassis1.
Location Algorithm:
1. If element1 has an instance of HP_Location associated to it via an instance of
HP_ElementLocation, and if LocationInformation and LocationInfoDesc arrays have values, save
off array element members in order to locinfolist1 and locdesclist1 respectively. Save
ElementLocationTagDesc and ElementLocationTag into loctagdesc1 and loctag1 respectively.
2. If element1 is associated with an instance of PhysicalElement via a CIM_Realizes or
CIM_SystemPackaging, traverse association and obtain the instance of CIM_PhysicalElement
a. For each PhysicalElement (starting with physicalelement1)
i. If PhysicalElement has an instance of HP_Location associated to it via an
instance of HP_ElementLocation, and if LocationInformation and
LocationInfoDesc arrays have values, append the array element members in
order to locinfolist1 and locdesclist1 respectively. Append
ElementLocationTagDesc and ElementLocationTag to loctagdesc1 and loctag1
ii. If the CIM_PhysicalElement has an associate CIM_PhysicalElement via the
associations CIM_Container or CIM_ElementInConnector obtain the associated
instance (physicalelement2).
1. If physicalelement2 is the same instance as chassis1 then stop
2. Go to step 2-a using physicalelement2.
iii. Else if there is no associated CIM_PhysicalElement then stop.
3. Else Stop
The client has obtained a list of LocationInformation (locinfolist1) and associated list of LocationInfoDesc
(locdesclist1) describing the containment hierarchy. The client has also collected a set of element tags
(loctagdesc1 and loctag1) for elements in the containment hierarchy.
There are 2 general cases to consider. One case is when a set of providers fully model and instantiate
the full physical containment hierarchy. In this case, the provider will primarily use the
ElementLocationTagDesc and ElementLocationTag to identify each element in the physical containment