HP Insight Management WBEM Providers for HP integrated VMware ESXi 5.1 U2 June 2014 Datasheets

Property Name
Property Implementation
Controller/Storage System name and <
physical location
Refer to “Physical Location” for more information.
For example:
Smart Array in Slot=3” for internal
For example:
“Smart Array Embedded Controller=7” for embedded controller where 7
is the internal identifier for the embedded controller.
Overall status of the Array System and attached devices.
This is calculated per the algorithm described in the HP Smart Array
0 (Unknown)
2 (OK)
3 (Degraded)
6 (Error)
More info for OperationalStatus result. This provides a short
Description to identify who is contributing to non-OK status.
For example:
Controller Failure
Logical Drive Failure
Storage Enclosure Failure
Controller Non-Failure Problem
Physical Drive Non-Failure Problem
Logical Drive Non-Failure Problem
Storage Enclosure Non-Failure Problem
HP Insight Management WBEM Smart Array Provider 6