HP Insight Management WBEM Providers for HP integrated VMware ESXi Data Sheet

HP Insight Manager WBEM Smart Component Installer Provider Overview 331
Get the detailed status of the last execution of the
Smart Component.
Method parameters:
DetailedStatus[]: array of strings containing the
contents of the detailed status output file from the
Return Values:
0 : Successful
1 : Not Supported
4 : Failed
Get the discovery data from the last execution of the
Smart Component.
Method parameters:
DiscoveryData[]: array of strings containing the contents
of the discovery output file from the SmartComponent
Return Values:
0 : Successful
1 : Not Supported
4 : Failed
Request to abort or kill the active SmartComponent
installation. Only valid if the download is in progress,
not the actual execution of the SmartComponent.
Method parameters:
RequestedState: The valid states that can be requested
are Terminate(4) and Kill(5).
Timeout: Not supported
Return Values:
0 : Successful
2 : Vendor specific error. Job is performing
SmartComponent execution and thus cannot be aborted or
4 : Failed
5: Invalid parameters
4096 : Requested State Transition started.
4097 : Invalid State Transition. Job is not in running
4098 : Use of Timeout Parameter Not Supported.
2-2-6 SMX_SCInstallerOwningJobElement Class
The SMX_SCInstallerOwningJobElement class implements the CIM_OwningJobElement class and
associates instances of SMX_SCInstallerConcreteJob and SMX_SCInstallationService.
The following table lists the properties implemented.
Property Name Property Implementation
References SMX_SCInstallerConcreteJob
References SMX_SCInstallationService
2-2-7 SMX_SCInstallerJobHostedDependency Class
The SMX_SCInstallerJobHostedDependency class implements the CIM_HostedDependency class
and associates instances of SMX_SCInstallerConcreteJob and SMX_SCInstallationService.
The following table lists the properties implemented.
Property Name Property Implementation