HP MPIO Full Featured DSM for EVA4x00/6x00/8x00 family of Disk Arrays 3.00.00 Installation and Reference Guide (AA-RW7SJ-TE, March 2008)

hpdsm set devic
Syntax: hpdsm set device=x alb=y/n
Syntax: hpdsm set device=all alb=y/n
The hpdsm set de
vice alb command changes the Adaptive Load Balance setting for the device x
or for all the de
vices, depending on the input parameter specied.
hpdsm set device=1 alb=y
Device Name : HP HSV210
Device Serial No. : 600508B400101F6A000070001D950000
Change Adaptive Load Balance setting (y/n)? y
ALB settings changed. Verify by using "hpdsm devices" command.
hpdsm set device=all alb=y
Successful for all the devices. Verify by using "hpdsm devices" command.
hpdsm set device path
Syntax: hpdsm set device=x path=y
The hpdsm set device path command changes the preferred path for device x,asshowninthe
example below.
Use the hpdsm paths device command to view the available paths for the device.
hpdsm set device=1 path=1
Device Name : HP HSV210
Device Serial No. : 600508B400101F6A000070001D950000
Controller Port No.
: P8398DXAAQQ013
Change Load Balance policy (y/n)? y
Preferred Path changed. Verify by issuing "hpdsm paths device=<number>" command.
hpdsm cleanup device
Syntax: hpdsm cleanup device=x
Syntax: hpdsm cleanup device=all
The hpdsm cleanup device command allows you to clean up the failed path information for a
specied device x, as shown in the example below.
Managing storage arrays using the HP MPIO EVA DSM with the CLI utility