
Secondary Volume
LDEV ID: S-VOL’s LDEV identifier
LDEV Name: S-VOL’s LDEV name
Emulation Type: S-VOL’s emulation type
Capacity: S-VOL’s volume capacity
CLPR: S-VOL’s CLPR number
(FS and SS only.)Pool Name (ID)
The pool name and ID number.
For BC/SS and BC Z pairs, hyphen (-) is shown.
The mirror unit numberMirror Unit
The split type.Split Type list
Quick Split: Splits the pair immediately
Steady Split: After all differential data is copied, the pair is split.
For FS and SS, this is the only option you can select.
Default: Quick Split
(BC/SS and BC Z only.)Copy Pace list
The speed at which the split operation is performed.
Values: Faster, Medium, Slower
Default: Medium
For FS and SS pairs, a hyphen (-) is shown.
Confirm window
110 Business Copy Z GUI reference