User guide

Confirm window
Selected Pairs table
P-VOL information.Primary Volume
LDEV ID: The P-VOL's LDEV identifier.
LDEV Name: The P-VOL's LDEV name.
Emulation Type: The P-VOL's emulation type.
Capacity: The P-VOL's volume capacity.
CLPR: The P-VOL's CLPR number.
The copy type.Copy Type
BC-L1: BC/SS L1 pair
BC-L2: BC/SS L2 pair
FS: FS pair
SS: SS pair
BC Z: BC Z pair
Snapshot group name.Snapshot Group
If you do not configure a snapshot group for a FS pair, this item is blank.
Pair status.Status
For more information, see (page 51).
108 Fast Snap GUI reference