Public Key Infrastructure Services data sheet

Data sheet
HPE Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Services are designed to assist Customer in design and implementation of a new PKI solution and/or to
extend the capability of the existing PKI infrastructure for new business needs.
X.509 public key certificates standard is one of the most cost-eective solution in use today that facilitate the secure electronic transfer of
information when advanced digital authentication, data integrity, and confidentiality are needed. Therefore, introducing, updating and/or
extending PKI in the environment not only can reduce operational cybersecurity risk, but it can also enable new business operation models
such as IoT device authentication to fulfil new business requirements.
HPE PKI Services are constructed under a flexible modular structure where Customers can choose one or more service module(s) in an
engagement that matches their business needs. Table 1 lists the available modules.
Advisory and Professional Services from HPE Pointnext Services
Module name Module description
Core modules
PKI security assessment For Customer who needs to verify and identify the current security PKI status (including certificates, hardware security module
[HSM]), and identifies a road map to improve it
PKI process and procedure For Customer who needs to have a Digital certificate lifecycle process and creation of Certificate Procedure (CP) and
Certificate Practice Statement (CPS)
PKI design and implementation For Customer who needs to implement new PKI or needs major update/upgrade of existing PKI
PKI OCSP For Customer that would like to extend the revocation procedure with Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
Use case modules
PKI for LTE/5G Enable existing PKI to support Long-Term Evolution (LTE)/5G-specific usage and protocols needs
PKI for end entity (EE) Enable existing PKI for users and server use cases (such as auto enrolment, authentication, digital signature, and others), and
signing option like Signing Code with a Code Signing Certificate
PKI for IoT Enable existing PKI for IoT devices using a protocol gateway and customized procedures
PKI for MDM and AD Integrated external secure PKI system in Microsoft Active Directory (AD) to allow and authenticate the user and mobile devices
PKI for V2X/M2M Enable existing PKI for Vehicle-to-X (V2X) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications
Value added modules
PKI value added Design and enable value-added solutions including:
PKI reporting system
• Security Credential Management System (SCMS) (Smartcard/OTP)
PKI active monitor
PKI RA automation
TAB LE 1 . Available modules

Summary of content (8 pages)