User's Manual

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To clear the list of previously visited pages:
1. On the browser screen, tap .
2. On the History tab , press , and then tap
Clear history.
To view a page that you often visit:
1. On the browser screen, tap .
2. On the Most Visited tab , navigate to the page
you want to view, and then tap the page.
To clear the list of most visited pages:
1. On the browser screen, tap .
2. On the Most Visited tab , press , and then tap
Clear all.
Accessing Email Messages
You can send and receive email messages from your
favorite POP3/IMAP email account, or from the
Exchange ActiveSync account that you use at work
right from your device.
Mail and Gmail allow you to stay
connected 24 hours a day anywhere on the Nationwide
Sprint Network.
Use the Mail application to send and receive email
from your webmail or other accounts, using POP3 or
IMAP. You can also access your Exchange ActiveSync
email and other features on your device.
Adding a POP3/IMAP Email Account
1. Press and tap > Mail.
2. Do one of the following:
If this is your first time to add an email account in
Mail, tap
Other (POP3/IMAP) on the Choose a mail
provider screen.
If you have already added an email account in
Mail, in your email Inbox, tap , and then tap