Use and Care Manual

HTH Care
no pool care guide can take the place of common sense and
precaution, we recommend the following guidelines in order
to help you and your family safely enjoy your pool.
Pool Product Safety:
Pool chemicals can be harmful if the proper care is not taken.
Contamination or improper use of these chemicals may cause
all labels carefully.
• Wearsafetyequipmentwhenhandlingchemicalsincluding
gloves, goggles, long sleeves and pants.
• Storeyourchemicalsincool,dry,well-ventilatedplaces.
• Keepyourchemicalstightlycoveredwhennotinuse.
• Storeliquidsupright.
• Read product labels and follow directions when adding
chemicals to your pool.
• Addpoolchemicalsdirectlytoyourpool.
• Isolatespilledchemicals,andreadandfollowdirectionsfor
cleanup and disposal.
• Completely use up the product before disposing of the
• Thoroughly clean and dry product containers prior to
• Washyourhandsthoroughlyafterhandlingchemicals.
eyes or mouth.
children or pets.
by any other material. They can react with other materials,
including other pool chemicals, to cause a fire, explosion, or
release of toxic gases.
•Add water to pool chemicals or expose them to small
amounts of water. They can react violently to produce heat
and toxic gasses.
contact with other pool chemicals or any other materials.
to your pool.
•Put spilled product back into the container, doingso will
contaminate the rest of the product.
for directions.
HTH Care
Emergency Contact
• Call the Arch Chemicals Emergency Action Network
not throw them in the trash.
• Ifanyofyourpoolchemicalsspill,calltheACEANlinefor
special handling instructions.
• Donotbackwashintoastreamorriver.
• Donotthrowspilledmaterialintotrash.
• A spill requires emergency handling if there is any sign
of activity such as a bulging container, bubbling, hissing,
line and notify them of the activity.
Chemical Exposure
If you’re exposed to pool chemicals, contact a physician
immediately and follow the appropriate steps as listed below:
• Intheeventofskinoreyecontactwithchlorineproducts,
flush the area with water for at least 15 minutes.
• Ifchemicalsareaccidentallyingested,siponwater,butdo
not induce vomiting. Never give anything to drink to an
unconscious person.
• Iffumeshavebeeninhaled,movetheaffectedpersonto
fresh air as quickly as possible.
• If there is an emergency requiring immediate medical
attention, call 911 immediately.
Pool Care Questions
1-866-HTH-POOL (1-866-484-7665)
This is the HTH Helpline, which is open between 8 A.M. and
10 P.M. Eastern Time. The experts who answer the phone
are trained to answer pool and spa care questions. You can
also email your pool and spa care questions throughAsk an
We hope the pool care tips and helpful hints in this
guide make caring for your pool easier and more
relaxing than ever. We’re ready to help you create
sparkling blue, crystal clear water so you can enjoy
your pool the way it was meant to be.
HTH Care
Spa™, HTH Cell Saver™ and Algae Guard™ are trademarks of Arch Chemicals, Inc.