Instruction Manual

1. Summary
Carvera adapt standard G-Codes and is com-
patible with the open-source GRBL rules. There-
fore, when using CAM software, select GRBL or
standard G-Code should be all right. For laser
engraving, you need to add sentences in front
of the G-Code to switch to laser mode (M321),
and return to the laser Z focus point (G0Z0),
and add (M322) to exist laser mode after
2. Software recommendation:
The followings are the CAD/CAM software
used in our examples. It is completely OK to
use other CAM software you were already
familiar with or would like to.
Fusion360: Three-dimensional mechanical
parts machining.
CopperCAM: PCB milling.
DeskProto: STL format file three-axis /
4th-axis relief machining.
LightBurn: Laser engraving.
We will introduce the up to date information
for software recommendations and post-pro-
cessing methods in our online tutorial on the
website. And we are also developing our own
CAM software, and we look forward to intro-
ducing it to you as soon as possible.
Note: Please start the test from the
lower limit of the parameter, and adjust
them based on the test results.
The following recommended parameters
are based on current tests. The machining
speed with small diameter tools/hard
materials should be slow and fast in the
opposite. We will conduct more tests and
provide more detailed parameter recom-
mendations in the future on our website.
Feed & Speed