User's Manual

10 Messaging
The new messages that you wrote on the Write window, if having been saved,
will have been stored in the Draft. Up to 1000 text messages can be stored in the
When you save these messages, only the contents of them are saved in the Draft,
the numbers you specified are not saved.
Access the SMS screen, click <Draft> and the Draft screen is displayed.
Editing Text Messages
You can edit a message in the Draft:
Step Operation and description
1 y Select a message and click <Edit>, or
y Double click on a message item.
The Write screen is displayed, change the information and select
<Send>, <Save>, or <Clear>.
Deleting Text Messages
You can remove the messages in the Draft.
Step Operation and description
1 Select one or more messages and click <Delete>.
2 The messages are removed to the trash.
The messages you removed from the Inbox, Outbox and Draft are all stored in
the Trash. Up to 1000 text messages can be stored in the Trash.
When the trash is full and another message is removed to it, the earliest message
in this box is removed automatically.
Access the SMS screen, click <Trash> and the trash screen is displayed.