Operation Manual

Viewing contacts from different accounts
You can select which contacts to display on your phone.
1 Open Contacts.
2 Touch > Display preferences.
3 Select the account you want to display or customize the accounts to display.
Hide contact photos, company information and job title: Touch > Display preferences
on the contacts screen, and then turn on the Simple layout switch.
Adding a contact to your favorites
You can add frequently-contacted people to your favorites to make them easier to find.
1 Open
2 Touch and hold the contact you want to add to your favorites, and then touch Add to
favorites to add the contact to Favorites.
When viewing contact details, touch to add the contact to your favorites.
Remove contacts from your favorites: Touch Favorites > on the contacts screen. Select
the contacts that you wish to remove from your favorites, and then touch .
Contact groups
Organize friends and family into different groups. You can send text messages or emails to
everyone in a group. Contacts now also features Smart groups. Your phone can automatically
sort contacts according to their company or the date you last contacted them, making it easier to
manage contacts and groups.
Creating a group
1 Open Contacts.
2 Touch Groups and then .
3 Enter the group name (for example Family or Friends) and then touch OK.
4 Touch
. Select the contacts you want to add to the group, and then touch .
Editing a group
Add or remove people from a group or change the group name.
1 Open Contacts.
2 Touch Groups and select the group you want to edit.
Calls and Contacts