User's Manual

6.4 Basic Maneuvering
In this Flying Lesson you will use the cyclic joystick and the Rudder to maneuver
your helicopter.
1.Keeping a safe 1 to 2 meters from your model, S-M-O-O-T-H-L-Y advance the
collective Throttle joystick until your helicopter reaches approximately shoulder
2.S-L-O-W-L-Y apply collective Rudder control to point the nose of your helicopter in
the direction you wish to fly.
3.Once you have turned your helicopter, place your right thumb over the tip of the
cyclic joystick and S-L-O-W-L-Y press forwards.
The lower rotor will tilt forward. The helicopter’s nose will pitch down. Your helicopter
will begin to move forward.
Tip- Be ready to slightly increase your Throttle power, as the helicopter is likely to
lose a little height during maneuvering. Also remember that the swash plate on the
helicopter links all of your cyclic controls; so don't be surprised if your helicopter
moves slightly to the left/right as well as forwards. As you gain experience, you will
stop thinking in terms of Left/Right or Forwards/Backwards and start to automatically
synchronize cyclic joystick corrections, just like flying a full size helicopter.
(MODE 2) (MODE 1)
(MODE 2) (MODE 1)
4.1 Identification and functional keys
9 Antenna 9 Antenna
4 Elevator Trim
(2) Elevator/Rudder Stick
5 Rudder Trim
UP Function
EXT Function Key
8 Neck Strap Eyelet
6 Throttle Trim
(1) Throttle /Aileron stick
7 Power SW
3 Aileron Trim
ENT Function Key
Down Function
9 Antenna 9 Antenna
4 Elevator Trim
1 Throttle/Rudder Stick
5 Rudder Trim
UP Function
EXT Function Key
8 Neck Strap Eyelet
6 Throttle Trim
2 Elevator/Aileron stick
7 Power SW
3 Aileron Trim
ENT Function Key
Down Function
Main Menu
(MODE 2)
(MODE 1)
5805 HUBSAN 7.7V
50 50 500 M2
RC capacity