User's Manual

10271450001 Revision D Maintenance 10–15Hub installation
If you need to dismantle an entire HT, follow the steps below.
Do not work on a ladder or roof without
first reading the safety warnings on page x
of this manual. Failure to observe these
warnings could result in personal injury or
Potential radio frequency (RF) hazard:
Keep away from the front of the
outdoor unit (ODU) antenna while the
ODU is operating. Note that you cannot
tell from outward appearance whether
the ODU is operating or not.
Be careful with respect to the ODU you
are installing and ODUs that may
already be operating in the installation
Failure to observe these warnings could
result in injury to eyes or other personal
Follow these steps:
1. Make sure the EMS operator has taken the HT out of
2. Remove power from the IDU chassis power supply.
3. On the roof: Disconnect the IFL and ground cable from the
ODU. See section 10.3.
4. Remove the transceiver. See section 10.3.
5. Remove the antenna. See section 10.3.
6. Disassemble the mast and mast mount.
7. At the IDU location: Remove all cables from all modules.
If the cables will be reused, mark them to identify them.
8. Optional: Remove the CCM and SSIs from the chassis.
(Depending on what you will do with the equipment, you
might want to leave the CCM and SSIs installed.) See
sections 10.5 and 10.6.
9. Remove the IDU chassis.
10. Remove the IFL cable and lightning arrestor (unless the
lightning arrestor is being used for other HTs or will be
Dismantling an HT