Installation Manual

10271450001 Revision D Terminating IFL cables C–3Hub installation
Prepare the cable end as follows:
1. Inspect the cable end for damage from handling and trim off
any damaged portions.
2. Cut the cable as cleanly and squarely as possible.
3. Slip the crimp ring and a piece of heat–shrink tubing
(HNS9007488–0005) onto the cable, as shown in figure
Figure C-2 Slipping the crimp ring and
heat–shrink tubing onto the cable
Heat-shrink tubing
cable end
4. Use the spin–stripping tool (Excelta CX 1–78–1, gold
color–coded) to remove the cable jacket and dielectric,
leaving about 7/32 inch (6 millimeters) of the center
conductor exposed, as shown in figure C-3.
a. Open the stripping jaws of the spin–stripping tool
enough to allow the cable end to enter the cable
barrel fully. (See figure C-3.)
b. While holding the cable firmly in the tool and tightly
against the cable stop, squeeze the stripper jaws.
c. Rotate the tool around the cable two or three times
until the outer cable jacket and dielectric are
completely cut through, but do not score the center
conductor. Rotate the tool in the direction indicated in
figure C-3.
d. Remove the cut–off end of the cable jacket and
Preparing the cable