Installation Manual

1027144–0001 Draft – Revision D.01 Troubleshooting 9–1RT installation
Chapter 9
This chapter includes:
Troubleshooting flow charts – page 9–1
Service information – page 9–6
The troubleshooting flow charts in this chapter will help isolate
most problems you might encounter during installation and
operation of the AIReach Broadband system.
Each flow chart begins with a specific problem, then leads you to
specific corrective actions you should take. Where actions are
numbered in these charts, you many not need to perform all of
the actions. Perform the actions in order, and check after each
action to see if the problem has been resolved. Proceed to the
next action only if the previous action did not correct the
The information in this chapter is intended for use by technicians
experienced in electronics troubleshooting. Therefore, it suggests
corrective actions but does not include detailed instructions for
each action.
flow charts