User's Manual

Hughes 9350 BGAN Terminal User Guide
longer it will take the Network/UT to update the TE with the correct DNS servers for web
browsing after establishing a PDP context.
4. Connected-mode DHCP Lease Time: The Connected-mode DHCP Lease Time refers to
the DHCP lease time when the UT is connected to the network. Most Users will have no
need to change this parameter.
5. PIN and PUK: The PIN and PUK fields indicate whether the PIN or PUK needs to be entered
to unlock the terminal. When greyed out they indicate the PIN is not required or is
already satisfied.
6. Bypass Antenna Pointing: This parameter allows the User to bypass antenna pointing and
have the UT go straight into Registering with the Network. This is turned “on” as default for
the 9350.
7. Auto Power On: This parameter does not apply to the 9350.
8. 24/7 PDP Keep Alive: This is setting is for keeping a PDP context alive indefinitely. Note:
This parameter should not be checked unless you have a critical need to keep the PDP
context alive for critical information. This is not a good use of satellite resources.
9. Satellite Selection: This parameter is used within a satellite overlap region and allows the
user to override the default satellite (selected by the 9350 based upon elevation
angle/GPS location) and select a different satellite. Note: This change does not take
affect until the UT is reset. When set to AUTO the UT will select the satellite based on the
unit’s GPS position. When set to a specific satellite it will attempt to use that satellite only.
Be careful to select the correct satellite for your position and note the time periods when
the specific satellites are valid.
10. Net mode: Most users will use NAT mode for their application. Bridge mode requires the
TE to be intelligent enough to handle two IP addresses and to be able to route traffic to
either address. One address is the UT’s private IP address and the other is the public IP
address assigned by the network when a PDP context is activated.
11. Streaming Activity Timer: This allows the user to turn On a timer for inactivity for a
Streaming QoS that has been setup. The timer is in seconds and will tear down a
streaming context after X seconds of inactivity.
12. Emergency Call Numbers: Allows the User to update the emergency call number that is
applicable in that part of the world where the terminal is being used.
13. Apply, Cancel, and Restart Terminal buttons: These buttons are self explanatory.