Installation Instructions

Table Of Contents
10262090001 Revision B
Testing picocells 6–25
4. The test is successful if the transceiver processes the call
and the displayed power level reading varies no more than 5
units from all other picocells.
5. Notify the MRC and request an RMA if:
- The transceiver fails to process a test call.
- The power level reading varies by more than 5 units
compared with readings from all other picocells.
Test the remaining transceivers as follows:
1. Bring another traffic picocell transceiver into service:
a. Highlight the picocell to be tested and click the BTS
Components tab.
b. For the transceiver just tested, select OOS from the
Desired State dropdown list.
c. For the BTC to be tested:
i. Select BTC as the Hardware Type.
ii. Select AUTO from the Desired State
dropdown list.
d. Click Accept.
The software displays the AROSC Configuration
2. Repeat the test call procedure for all transceivers installed in
the traffic picocell being tested.
(Record power level; initiate test call; observe power
level—steps 2 through 4 in the previous section.)
3. After testing all transceivers, turn off and disconnect the
traffic picocell from the Controller.
4. Repeat the test call procedure for each traffic picocell. (Test
all transceivers.)
5. In the event you find a failed transceiver, toe tag and ship
the picocell to the MRC, with assigned RMA number.
Do not ship any components without an RMA number.
Testing the remaining