User's Manual

Page 29
confirm, and a menu option appears, which helps you select a game, set game's
environment, fulfil different operations, etc.
Russian block
Use key 4,6,8 to shift a block leftward, rightward and downward separately, key1 or 3 to
convert into the block you want. Press the left-soft key to start or halt a game, and the
On-hook key or the right-soft key to quit the game.
Start a game: To start playing a game.
Resume game: To re-play from where interrupted last time.
Setup: To preset game's level, mode, etc.
Mode: To preset game's mode. There are 9 modes available for you
Level: To preset game's level. There are 9 levels available for your
selection, at different speed with different level.
Best record: The best score for the game is recorded here for your inquiry.
Play guide: This option guides you the way to play the game. The
correlative description can be viewed here, and press the right-soft key to
Knocking brick
Use key 4 and 6 to shift the bat leftward and rightward separately, and press keys 1 to
throw the ball.Push the left-soft key to start or halt the game, and the On-hook key or the
right-soft key to quit the game.
New game: To start playing a game.
Resume game: To re-play from where interrupted last time.
Best record: The best score for the game is recorded here for your inquiry.
Play guide: This option guides you the way to play the game. The
correlative description can be viewed here, and press the right-soft key to