Users Manual

Alternatively, tap the Settings button while magnifying,
viewing an image or reading, select Contrast, and swipe to
choose a contrast. Tap Back twice to return to your document
or object.
Color contrast is useful if you want to view documents,
objects, and photographs in their original color.
Positive contrast shows text and images in 2 colors
according to your selected color combination, the default
combination being Black on White. This is a practical way to
view text in the best color combination for your vision.
Negative contrast shows text and images in reversed contrast
as compared to your selected color combination. For
example, if your combination is Black on White, negative
contrast will show text and images in White on Black. This is
useful if you wish to reverse the contrast of a text that contains
different contrasts.
Diamond Edge contrast combines the best of both worlds; it
shows Diamond Edge Text in your selected color
combination and images in their original color. This allows you
to magnify text indefinitely without compromising its quality in
the best color combination for your vision, while viewing
images in their original color on the same page.
Note: You cannot change the contrast of a Gallery image
when you are completely zoomed out. Zoom in slightly to
change contrast if this situation occurs.