User`s manual

User’s Manual
3. Basic Operation
5. Programbroadcastingtimeandprogressbar:displaysprogramplayingtimeandprogressbar.
6. Currenttimeanddate
7. SubtitleLanguage
8. NextprogramInformation:displayedifnextprograminformationisprovided.Pressthebuttonto
display the next program information.
9. Icons
Represents parental level.
10. Conrmtheselectedoperation.
11. Detailedprograminformation
Note: Ifthereisnoavailableprograminformation,programinformationisnotdisplayed.
Detailed Program Information
You can see detailed information about the current program.
Press the i button again while the program banner is displayed
to view detailed information. Press the i button again to hide
the information box.
2. Volume Control/Mute
Press the V-/V + buttons to adjust the audio volume. Press the MUTE button to disables the sound
Note: The mute function remains enabled while you change the channel.