User's Manual

Humly Room Display - User Manual Prepared By: Haian & Robin
Revision - B Approved By:
About The Manual
The Humly Room Display User¡s Manual provides instructions to follow when setting up a new HRD
device. This document is intended to compliment the training and expertise of qualified personnel, not to
replace it.
For any questions that might arise, please visit:
Intended Use
The intended use of the Humly Room Display is to allow the meeting participants inside a room to
remain uninterrupted from the outside. As someone looking for a meeting you can visually see if a room
is unavailable, when it will be available again and simply booking it on the spot - without having to knock
on the door.
Read the safety instructions thoroughly before powering up the device or starting any servicing of the
humly solution. Keep this document for later use.
Parts list
Parts included in the giftbox:
Humly Room Display
Wall mount for Humly Room Display
Added upon on request:
Wall mount template
Power supply unit (for non-PoE installations)