User Manual

nderstand Digital Readouts
The following table displays the digital readouts that are available in the Select Readouts menu or the Select Nav Readouts menu.
The available digital readouts are determined by the installed equipment.
Label Name Description
Bearing Bearing The direction to a destination waypoint measured in degrees from north.
Course Over Ground
The direction the boat is traveling measured in degrees from North.
When the COG is equal to Bearing, the boat is said to be on course and
will arrive at the destination in the most efficient manner.
Depth Depth
The depth of the water from the transducer or digital depth sensor to
the bottom. This measurement includes the depth offset setting.
If the depth number is ashing, it means the unit is having trouble
locating the bottom. This usually happens if the water is too deep, the
transducer is out of the water, the boat is moving too fast, etc.
Distance to Go
The distance between the boat position and the next waypoint on the
Estimated Time
of Arrival
The estimated time of arrival to the next waypoint on the route.
Position (#) GPS
The latitude and longitude coordinates of the boat position based on
the GPS receiver installation location.
Speed Speed
Speed is the measurement of the boat’s progress across a given
distance based on the speed measurement provided by the GPS.
Temp (#) Temperature
The detected water temperature by the transducers internal
temperature probe or an accessory temperature sensor.
Time Time The current time.
Time + Date Time + Date The current time and date.
Timer Timer
The digital readout for the timer set in the Alarms tab (see Manage your
Control Head: Start the Timer).
Triplog Triplog
The elapsed time since the triplog was last reset, the distance traveled
since last reset, and the average speed during timed interval. To reset the
triplog, see Getting Started: Reset the Triplog.
TTG Time to Go
The estimated time required to reach the next waypoint on the route. TTG
is calculated using the SOG (Speed Over Ground) and DTG (Distance to Go).
VLT Voltage Power supplied to the control head.
XTE Cross Track Error
The straight-line distance of the boat from the intended route. XTE
measures how far the boat is off course.