Use and Care Manual

Chart & Radar
f a radar is connected to the control head network, the radar data can be displayed on the Chart View. To adjust the menu settings
or the radar, see Radar Overview for more information.
Start Radar Transmission
1. Humminbird CHIRP Radar: Press the POWER key once. Select Radar > Standby. Press the POWER key again, and select Radar
> Transmit.
Humminbird Radar: Press the POWER key once. Select Radar Transmit, and turn it on.
NOTE: For more information about Humminbird CHIRP Radar and Humminbird Radar, see Radar Overview.
Display Radar on the Chart View
1. With a Chart View displayed on-screen, tap Chart in the status bar, or press the MENU key once.
2. Select Radar.
3. Select Radar Overlay. Tap the on/off button, or press the ENTER key, to turn it on.
NOTE: You can also display Range Rings and MARPA Targets on the Chart View. See Change the Chart View Data Overlays in this
section for more information.
status bar
Turning on the Radar Overlay
radar menu