
In order to solve the problem of street lamp control system, SP25 millimeter wave radar is used
as the intelligent sensing module, and the radar sensor detects whether there are pedestrians and
vehicles passing through the road to give the lighting strategy to realize the intelligent control of
the street lamp.
Figure 5 Urban intelligent lighting system
A radar sensor could provide the distance and velocity of targets for 3 to 5 lights. And the
detection data is transmitted through the light control system.
Energy saving ways
with more vehicles and people
the average power is70%
with less vehicles and people, the average power is 20%.
For the120W LED street lighting system using nanoradar's intelligent lighting control sensor,
the average power could be reduced 50% (in accordance with 1 RMB / KWh),and therefore
100,000 lights per year can save the cost of about 18.25 million RMB yuan. It can make great
contributions to the intelligent city construction and reasonable energy savings.
The advantages of SP25 in intelligent lighting
1. Easy to maintain;
2. Good in energy saving;
3. Low cost and easy to integrate.