Use and Care Manual

44126-01 • 07/30/2012
©2012 Hunter Fan Company
6. Set the temperature for your heating cycle as indicated by the ashing ”Heat to” icon on
your screen. Use the and buttons to change the temperature and press
. You will
be asked to set your cooling cycle, indicated by the ashing “Cool to”. Set this temperature
with your or buttons and hit
7. The thermostat will start this process again for “Asleep”. Repeat steps 1-5 to schedule the
time and set the temperature for your sleep period. When nished press
to get to “At
8. When setting “At Home”, you will only be asked to set a temperature. The thermostat
calculates your “At Home” time by what remains unscheduled from your “Away” and
“Asleep” periods. Set your “Heat To” temperature r[]st and press
, then Set your “Cool
To” temp and press
to nish Scheduling your current day.
9. When you have completed scheduling your day, the screen will ash “Schedule Updated!”
and return you to the day select screen.
Setting Your Schedule