Operators Manual

Table Of Contents
The appliance must be disconnected from the supply mains when
removing the battery.
WARNING: The product
can be dangerous if used
WARNING: Do not use
the product when
persons, especially
children, or animals are
in the work area.
WARNING: Keep your
hands and feet away
from the rotating blades.
Never put your hands or
feet close to or under the
product when the motor
is running.
WARNING: In the event
of an injury or accident
seek medical help.
2.2 Safety definitions
Warnings, cautions and notes are used to point
out specially important parts of the manual.
Used if there is a risk of
injury or death for the operator or
bystanders if the instructions in the
manual are not obeyed.
CAUTION: Used if there is a risk of
damage to the product, other materials
or the adjacent area if the instructions
in the manual are not obeyed.
Note: Used to give more information that is
necessary in a given situation.
2.3 Safety instructions for operation
2.3.1 Use
The product may only be used with the
equipment recommended by the
manufacturer. All other types of use are
incorrect. The manufacturer’s instructions
with regard to operation/maintenance must
be followed precisely.
Warning signs shall be placed around the
work area of the product if it is used in public
areas. The signs shall have the following
text: Warning! Automatic lawnmower! Keep
away from the machine! Supervise children!
Automatic lawnmower!
Keep away from the machine!
Supervise children!
Automatic lawnmower!
Keep away from the machine!
Supervise children!
Use the HOME function or switch off the
main switch when persons, especially
children or animals, are in the work area. It
is recommended to program the product for
use during hours when the area is free from
activity, e.g. at night. Refer to
To do the
timer settings on page 23
. Consider that
certain species, e.g. hedgehogs, are active
at night. They can potentially be harmed by
the product.
- Safety
1285 - 004 - 16.04.2020