Operators Manual

Table Of Contents
6.3 Information messages
The information messages in the table below are shown in the display of the product. Speak to your
representative if the same message shows frequently.
Message Cause Action
Low battery
The product cannot find the charging
Change the position of the guide wire.
Refer to
To install the guide wire on
page 21
The battery is spent. Replace the battery. Refer to
on page 32
The charging station’s antenna is de-
Check if the indicator lamp in the
charging station flashes red. Refer to
Indicator lamp in the charging station
on page 40
The charging plates on the product or
contact plates on the charging station
are corroded.
Clean the charging and contact plates
using a fine grade emery cloth. If the
problem stays speak to your approved
servicing dealer.
Settings restored
Confirmation that
Reset all user set-
has been carried out.
No action.
Guide not found
The guide wire is not connected to the
charging station.
Check that the guide wire connector is
tightly connected to the charging sta-
tion. Refer to
To install the guide wire
on page 21
Break in the guide wire. Find out where the break is and rectify
The guide wire is not connected to the
boundary loop.
Check that the guide wire is connected
correctly to the boundary loop. Refer to
To install the boundary wire on page
Guide calibration
The product has failed to calibrate the
guide wire.
Check that the guide wire is installed
according to the instructions. Refer to
To install the guide wire on page 21
Guide calibration
The product has succeeded to calibrate
the guide wire.
No action.
New loop signal successfully changed. No action.
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